Friday, March 20, 2020

BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Essay Example

BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Essay Example BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Paper BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Paper Essay Topic: Literature hospitalization (of the authors son) inciting incident of Stopover in Queretaro as one gives, he should to expect to receive application that could NOT be made after reading Martin and Abraham Lincoln friendship is more powerful (than tribal hatred) main idea in The Buffalo dance Lushkoff protagonist in The Beggar flashback what Pete Stalling, the narrator in Most Valuable Player, uses to interrupt the action of the game to give background info she asks for food and a mirror the reader knows Johnsy is going to get well in The Last Leaf when she.. simile Came like an angel fierce and fast from Country Doctor, is what figure of speech? verbal irony how Lewis Gardner in How to Avoid Contact makes his point by using dead soldier(s) speaker of the poem In Flanders Fields Lord knows our needs even before we ask Him lesson we can learn from Mrs. Simss gift to Mother resolution point within the plot when the final outcome of the conflict is revealed plot series of incidents arranged to move the story toward a specific goal setting time and place in which a story takes place crisis turing point that brings about a change of fortune for the main character climax point when the story reaches the moment of highest emotional intensity autobiography an authors true account of his own life third-person (point-of-view) point-of-view that uses words like he, she, and it and no narrator is heard first-person (point-of-view) point-of view that reveals the thoughts of only one character or group of characters situational irony is revealed when the events of a story violate what is reasonably or normally expected Pete character in Most Valuable Player that is an example of a developing character Juan Martinez(brings the Beims to Dr. Pozo and makes sure they are taken care of) and Dr. Pozo (helped as much as he could even though the father, Jerrold Beim doubts he could really help his son) characterS from Stopover in Queretaro, whose generosity involved the giving of THEMSELVES Lincoln (took his time to talk to Martin and supplied Martins familys needs) character from Martin and Abraham Lincoln whose generosity involved the giving of himself Sheriff (risked a lot so Will can learn not to chose the life of being a bandit) character from Gold-Mounted Guns whose generosity involved the giving of himself Kass (gave Mary her prize, when Mary didnt actually win the prize) character from Mary whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts Andy and Tom (returned the fish that they stole) characterS from The Strangers That Came to Town whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts Mother (bought her daughter a suit that they lied about) character from Preachers Kids whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts O. Henry wrote The Last Leaf (his field was) Gods Earth what the grandfather in A Grain as Big as a Hens Egg said where the corn can grow like the big grain

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

10 Fascinating Facts About Grasshoppers

10 Fascinating Facts About Grasshoppers Famed fable writer Aesop portrayed the grasshopper as a neer do well who fiddled away his summer days without a thought to the future but in the real world, the destruction wreaked by grasshoppers on farming and ranching is far from a harmless parable. Although grasshoppers are extremely common, theres more to these summertime critters than meets the eye. Heres a list of 10 fascinating grasshopper-related facts. 1. Grasshoppers and Locusts Are One and the Same When we think of grasshoppers, most people recall pleasant childhood memories of trying to catch the jumping insects in meadows or backyards. Say the word locusts, however, and it brings to mind images of historic plagues raining down destruction on crops and devouring every plant in sight. Truth be told, grasshoppers and locusts are members of the same insect order. While certain species are commonly referred to grasshoppers and others as locusts, both creatures are short-horned members of the order Orthoptera. Jumping herbivores with shorter antennae are grouped into the suborder Caelifera, while their longer-horned brethren (crickets and katydids) belong to the suborder Ensifera. 2. Grasshoppers Have Ears on Their Bellies The grasshoppers auditory organs are found not on the head, but rather, on the abdomen. A pair of membranes that vibrate in response to sound waves are located one on either side of the first abdominal segment, tucked under the wings. This simple eardrum, called a tympanal organ, allows the grasshopper to hear the songs of its fellow grasshoppers. 3. Although Grasshoppers Can Hear, They Cant Distinguish Pitch  Very Well As with most insects, the grasshoppers auditory organs are simple structures. They can detect differences in intensity and rhythm, but not pitch. The male grasshoppers song isnt particularly melodic which is a good thing since females dont care whether or not a fellow can carry a tune. Each species of grasshopper produces a characteristic rhythm that distinguishes its song from others and enables courting males and females of a given species to find one another. 4. Grasshoppers Make Music by Stridulating or Crepitating If youre not familiar with those terms, dont worry. Its not all that complicated. Most grasshoppers stridulate, which simply means that they rub their hind legs against their forewings to produce their trademark tunes. Special pegs on the inside of the hind leg act like a percussion instrument of sorts when they come in contact with the thickened edge of the wing. The band-winged grasshoppers crepitate or loudly snap their wings as they fly. 5. Grasshoppers Catapult Themselves Into the Air If youve ever tried to catch a grasshopper, you know how far they can jump to flee danger. If humans could jump the way grasshoppers do, we would be able to easily leap the length of a football field. How do these insects jump so far? Its all in those big, back legs. A grasshoppers hind legs function like miniature catapults. In preparation for a jump, the grasshopper contracts its large flexor muscles slowly, bending its hind legs at the knee joint. A special piece of cuticle within the knee acts as a spring, storing up all the potential energy. The grasshopper then relaxes its leg muscles, allowing the spring to release its energy and fling the insect into the air. 6. Grasshoppers Can Fly Because grasshoppers have such powerful jumping legs, people sometimes dont realize that they also have wings. Grasshoppers use their jumping ability to give them a boost into the air but most are pretty strong fliers and make good use of their wings to escape predators. 7. Grasshoppers Cause Billions of Dollars in Damage to Food Crops Annually One lone grasshopper cant do too much harm, although it eats about half its body weight in plants each day- but when locusts swarm, their combined feeding habits can completely defoliate a landscape, leaving farmers without crops and people without food. In the U.S. alone, grasshoppers cause about $1.5 billion in damage to grazing lands each year. In 1954, a swarm of Desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) consumed over 75 square miles of wild and cultivated plants in Kenya. 8. Grasshoppers Are an Important Source of Protein People have been consuming locusts and grasshoppers for centuries. According to the Bible, John the Baptist ate locusts and honey in the wilderness. Locusts and grasshoppers are a regular dietary component in local diets in many areas of Africa, Asia, and the Americas- and since theyre packed with protein, theyre an important nutritional staple as well. 9. Grasshoppers Existed Long Before Dinosaurs Modern-day grasshoppers descend from ancient ancestors that lived long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The fossil record shows that primitive grasshoppers first appeared during the Carboniferous period, more than 300 million years ago. Most ancient grasshoppers are preserved as fossils, although grasshopper nymphs (the second stage in the grasshopper lifestyle after the initial egg phase) are occasionally found in amber. 10. Grasshoppers  May Spit Liquid to Defend Themselves If youve ever handled grasshoppers, youve probably had a few of them spit brown liquid on you in protest. Scientists believe this behavior is a means of self-defense, and the liquid helps the insects repel predators. Some people say grasshoppers spit tobacco juice, probably because historically, grasshoppers have been associated with tobacco crops. Rest assured, however, the grasshoppers arent using you as a spittoon.