Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Saving Private Ryan impact of the opening scene Essay Example
Sparing Private Ryan effect of the initial scene Essay Example Sparing Private Ryan effect of the initial scene Paper Sparing Private Ryan effect of the initial scene Paper Paper Topic: Film Sparing Private Ryan is a film that was made in 1998. It has an amazing line-up that incorporates individuals, for example, Stephen Spielberg as executive, who has since coordinated other enormously effective movies like King Kong and Lord of the Rings. Additionally there is Tom Hanks a mainstream American who plays Captain John H. Mill operator the primary character, in this Historical Drama, he has additionally partaken in some other colossally effective films. Stephen Spielberg has concluded that in this film he would conflict with the customary shows of other war film classes, and to utilize some other exceptionally compelling strategies to make the climate of war. He utilized procedures, for example, utilizing a desaturated shading in the film to make the impact that you werent basically thinking back on History, yet as though you were really there and as though you were at danger of being shot! Back in those days all TVs were high contrast in this manner the news on the TV would likewise have been clearly, this gives us that the film isn't only a made up story, yet that these thing really occurred. The danger of you feeling just as you are truly there battling the war, and being terrified of the restriction shooting you is additionally overstated by the utilization of hand-held cameras. This aides as it can show how the camera is shaking with being so frightened aswell as the physical shaking of the ground from blasts. Besides, the camera is fiercely moving to show the turmoil and how everyone is continually careful. Stephen Spielberg likewise makes a sensible nature during the fight scenes, he does this by demonstrating the fights from both the Germans perspective, who are basically cutting down a great many lines of Americans, and the Americans perspective who are only edgy to stay away from the steady shower of slugs. Indicating this causes the crowd to perceive how little the officers odds of endurance are in such a major fight. There are four scenes in the initial fight arrangement of the film. The first is The change from present to past. In this scene authenticity is accomplished by made an accentuation on the music, this is misrepresented further by utilizing a military style of music. The music utilized for waking the men in the front lines. The accentuation is made on the music by not utilizing any exchange. There are long shots of the huge number of graves that are in lines, this shows there was enormous quantities of passings. This all occurs as the family are strolling towards the grave, however then as they arrive at the graves and the man bows down the music proceeds yet the camera step by step zooms in from a Medium shot on the man to an extraordinary close-up all over. It winds up with simply the keeps an eye on watering eyes. From the watering eyes you can tells that clearly something terrible occurred or his may have remembered something that is pitiful. At that point as the camera remains concentrated on the eyes the music stops and you hear the roaring clamor of smashing waves. This smashing leads us to believe that there will be a development to something. After this the camera changes to a nearby of a shaking hand. This shows how the individual is frightened of what is coming. Likewise there are individuals hurling giving us that they are amazingly apprehensive and terrified and are in this manner getting ocean wiped out. There is still no discourse to accentuation watching what is being appeared, how frightened individuals are and that isnt going to be a wonderful memory, likewise the utilization of no solid makes strain. The subsequent scene is the moment bedlam as the fighters show up at the sea shore. This is appeared by an abrupt eruption of firearms being fired and bombs detonating, as the main officers hop off the vessels. Likewise the officers are bouncing of the vessels and being shot before they hit the water, this shows how little a possibility of endurance there is. The German point of view is likewise appeared, it shows the columns after line of Americans being fired down with assault rifles, this shows how powerless the Americans were. Shading likewise assumes a major job in this scene; dark skies are utilized to show the burdensome sentiments, and the camera shading is a lot of high contrast, with the most splendid shading being red, this is a successful method of indicating the a lot of blood. All through this scene there is a steady surge of projectiles wherever significantly submerged, this gives us how no place is protected at fight. The third scene is the underlying response of Captain Miller. At first Captain Miller turns out to be totally befuddled, this is appeared from numerous points of view all through the scene. Slow movement and quieted sound is utilized to show how he doesnt truly have an idea about what is happening around him, just as the quieted sound shows how he has nearly gone hard of hearing from the noisy racket of discharging weapons. Shots of him glancing in loads of various areas discloses to us that he is befuddled, and is searching for help or for somebody to guide him. Mill operators perspective shots are additionally appeared, they can would in general be obscured with certain shots of loathsomeness, demonstrating he is frightened. There is a great deal of shouting and yelling, however a large portion of it you can not comprehend, this shows his considerations are only a major haze. The fourth scene is the finish of the fight. Everything turns out to be all the more clear. You can hear the waves; this overstates the commotion of the fight has gone. The music eases back down, this gives us that the mayhem has finished. There is another extraordinary close-up on Millers eyes. This encourages us see that he is in profound idea. The ocean is additionally appeared as being extremely red this shows how there is a great deal of blood. There is a since quite a while ago shot of the entirety of the bodies as the camera climbs the sea shore demonstrating the gigantic quantities of killings. At that point there is a nearby on an individual dead American, this encourages us to see that there werent simply immense quantities of mass killings however that there were colossal quantities of individual killings. All in all I accept that Stephen Spielberg unquestionably prevailing with regards to making a stunning and reasonable air. I accept that the best way that he did this was by utilizing handheld cameras to make the feeing that you were there, this was amazingly stunning as you could undoubtedly feel how frightened the officers were. Additionally there was a high pace of death appeared all through, which helped the crowd to see that there was an exceptionally little possibility of endurance. This truly makes you consider startling it is need to do battle. It additionally is successful in making you need to observe more! I figure Stephen Spielberg does a great activity with this film.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assessing Importance of School Factors Such as Racism Essay Example for Free
Evaluating Importance of School Factors Such as Racism Essay An assortment of material hindrances that may go up against ethnic minorities originating from common laborers foundations are they don't accomplish a similar degree of instruction. The primary achievers are Indian, Chinese and African understudies, however the most minimal achievers are Turkish, Bangladeshi And Afro Caribbean understudies. The white average workers understudies are the least accomplishing, which is exceptional on the grounds that most sociologists are white who generalization and mark different understudies from various foundations. The fundamental driver of underachievement in schools are social and language factors which sociologists explain and center around and are believed to be primary driver of everything. Beforehand the spotlight has been put on what occurs in school and prejudice in like manner As appeared by Cecile Wright, which clarifies that, Asian understudies can likewise be the casualties of instructors Cecile discovered that paying little mind to the schools apparent guarantee to approach openings, educators despite everything hold ethnocentric perspectives they accept that British culture and English are more noteworthy. This readied educators to expect that they would have a poor way to express English and left them out of class discusses or utilized essential, honest discourse when addressing them. Asian students likewise felt cut off when instructors spoken disappointment of their conduct or misread their names. Instructors saw them not as a hazard however as a trouble they could fail to acknowledge. This brought about that Asian students specifically the young ladies were unable as far as possible and prohibited from have an influence completely. Close nearby is verification of instructor racial segregation and unsafe marking. All things considered investigation shows that understudies can make a move in assortment of ways. They may make a move by turning out to be agitating or pulled back yet understudies may decay to consent to the name and even decide to demonstrate it erroneous by placing in difficult work. Off-putting names don't over and again bend into inevitable outcome Working class white understudies achieve beneath principles and have lesser wants. There isnââ¬â¢t much parental help at home, which implies there is low accomplishment and objectives. Reports show that educators need to manage low degree of conduct and control in white common laborers schools. All things considered they had less children on advantage programs instructors accuse this for lacking parental help at home and negative mentality that white common laborers guardians have towards their kids and their training. The life in the road for white average workers can be extreme for understudies which implies they become acclimated to getting threatening and scare other which they get and use in school to cause disturbances and make it difficult for different understudies to prevail at school. Underachievement of understudy of various is accused on social hardship. Barely any sociologists state that Afro-Caribbean families do not have a cozy relationship to their family and accordingly are amazingly rough towards all that they do. Contentions clarify that families arenââ¬â¢t steady towards their kids and they donââ¬â¢t offer enough social capital for their youngsters. Cliché sees recommend those understudies are not denied in light of their group or on account of their experiences. Components like social class are essential to certain ethnic minorities like Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and a lot of Afro-Caribbean understudies, which are generally regular workers foundations in which material hardship assume a fundamental job on the grounds that to discover why they accomplish underneath the national norms. Sociologists state schools and educational plans made only for one explicit gathering of ethnic minority offers need to one specific ethnic minority while ignoring other ethnic gatherings. A few schools have educational programs, which are ethnocentric in light of the fact that they just offer need to English dialects. The British educational program has been depicted as only British. In history Britain is thought to carry civilisation to antiquated individuals are colonized. Dark individuals as sub-par debilitates dark childrenââ¬â¢s confidence and Leads to them to underachieving and coming up short. It isnââ¬â¢t without a doubt what impacts the ethnocentric investigation shows that dark donââ¬â¢t truly experience the ill effects of low confidence. Wrightââ¬â¢s study discovered some ethnic minority bunches got less fortunate communication from staff. Educators recognitions were appear as cliché albeit Asian understudies were viewed as acceptable and dark understudies were seen troublesome and rebellious. Study show that schools in urban communities which contain ethnic minority understudies were not profiting as far as O Levels passages in light of being in low set and accomplishing high evaluation so as to get great outcomes and become effective. Generally contemplating we can not part or mark ethnicity from social classes and sexual orientation since this is extremely troublesome issue as a portion of the primary accomplishing understudies are from ethnic minorities so hence there isnââ¬â¢t an association here so we canââ¬â¢t offer expressions or reach resolutions concerning what the relationship among ethnic gatherings and schools really are. Understudies can decline to acknowledge negative classing and educator desires. Sociologists canââ¬â¢t arrive at a resolution to clarify what happens among educator and understudies or what happens in various ethnic gatherings identified with training. Understudies satisfy jobs they are given yet can attempt to oppose the names and getting put behind via doing what is thought of them to do or would what they like to do and accomplish great training and become effective.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
How Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Works
How Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Works Depression Treatment Print How Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Works By Nancy Schimelpfening Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be. Learn about our editorial policy Nancy Schimelpfening Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 24, 2020 Westend61 / Getty Images More in Depression Treatment Medication Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Types Childhood Depression Suicide Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a type of psychotherapy that involves a combination of cognitive therapy, meditation, and the cultivation of a present-oriented, non-judgmental attitude called mindfulness.??? History of MBCT Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was developed by therapists Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale, who sought to build upon a form of therapy called cognitive therapy, developed by Aaron T. Beck in the 1960s. They felt that by integrating cognitive therapy with a program developed in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn called mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), therapy could be even more effective.?? What Is Cognitive Therapy? A primary assumption of cognitive therapy is that thoughts precede moods and that false self-beliefs lead to negative emotions such as depression. The goal of cognitive therapy is to help you recognize and re-assess your patterns of negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts that more closely reflect reality.?? How Cognitive Behavior Therapy Works How MBCT Builds on Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy builds upon the principles of cognitive therapy by using techniques such as mindfulness meditation to teach people to consciously pay attention to their thoughts and feelings without placing any judgments upon them, or without getting caught up in what could have been or might occur in the future. It provides clarity of thought and can give you the tools needed to more easily let go of negative thoughts instead of letting them feed your depression.?? Much like with cognitive therapy, MBCT operates on the theory that if you have a history of depression and become distressed, you are likely to return to those automatic cognitive processes that triggered a depressive episode in the past. The combination of mindfulness and cognitive therapy is what makes MBCT so effective. Mindfulness helps you observe and identify your feelings while cognitive therapy teaches you to interrupt automatic thought processes and work through feelings in a healthy way.?? Depression and Common Cognitive Distortions MBCT for Depression The goal of MBCT is to help patients with chronic depression learn how to avoid relapses by not engaging in those automatic thought patterns that perpetuate and worsen depression. In fact, a study published in The Lancet found that MBCT helped prevent depression recurrence as effectively as maintenance antidepressant medication did.?? On average, MBCT was shown to reduce the risk of relapse for people who experience recurrent depression by nearly 50%, regardless of their sex, age, education, or relationship status. Research has shown that MBCT can also reduce the severity of depressive symptoms as well as help reduce cravings for addictive substances.?? What to Expect The MBCT program is a group intervention that lasts eight weeks. During those eight weeks, there is a weekly course, which lasts two hours, and one day-long class after the fifth week. During this time, participants might be taught whats known as the 3-minute breathing space technique that focuses on three steps, each one minute in duration:?? Observing ones experience (How are you doing right now?)Focusing on breathAttending to the body and physical sensations Other MBCT techniques include body scan exercise, yoga, walking and sitting meditations, sitting with thoughts, sitting with sounds, and mindfulness stretching. Much of the practice, however, is done outside of class. Participants are asked to do homework, which includes listening to recorded guided meditations and trying to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. This may mean bringing mindfulness to day-to-day activities, like brushing your teeth, showering, washing the dishes, exercising, or making your bed, by applying MBCT skills such as:?? Paying close attention to what is going on around you.Participating without being self-conscious.Taking a non-judgmental stance.Focusing on the moment without distraction from other ideas or events.Doing what works rather than second-guessing yourself. Though a lot of the hard work of MBCT is self-directed, advocates stress that the classes themselves are important to the efficacy of the program. Still, there is not necessarily an established network of teachers around the globe or a single directory in which you can find a program close to home. If youre interested in learning more about MBCT, you can explore more on the official program website.?? The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Friday, May 22, 2020
Omo Kibish (Ethiopia) - Oldest Known Early Modern Human
Omo Kibish is the name of an archaeological site in Ethiopia, where was found the earliest examples of our own hominin species, about 195,000 years old. Omo is one of several sites found within the ancient rock formation called Kibish, itself along the Lower Omo River at the base of the Nkalabong Range in southern Ethiopia. Two hundred thousand years ago, the habitat of the lower Omo River basin was similar to what it is today, although moister and less arid away from the river. Vegetation was dense and a regular supply of water created a mix of grassland and woodland vegetation. Omo I Skeleton Omo Kibish I, or simply Omo I, is the partial skeleton found from Kamoyaââ¬â¢s Hominid Site (KHS), named after the Kenyan archaeologist who discovered Omo I, Kamoya Kimeu. The human fossils recovered in the 1960s and in the early 21st century include a skull, several pieces from the upper limbs and shoulder bones, several bones of the right hand, the lower end of the right leg, a piece of the left pelvis, fragments of both lower legs and the right foot, and some rib and vertebrae fragments. The body mass for the hominin has been estimated at approximately 70 kilograms (150 pounds), and although it is not certain, most evidence indicates Omo was female. The hominin stood somewhere between 162-182 centimeters (64-72 inches) tall--the leg bones are not sufficiently intact enough to give a closer estimate. The bones suggest Omo was a young adult at the time of her death. Omo is currently classified as anatomically modern human. Artifacts with Omo I Stone and bone artifacts were found in association with Omo I. They included a variety of vertebrate fossils, dominated by birds and bovids. Nearly 300 pieces of flaked stone were found in the vicinity, predominantly fine-grained crypto-crystalline silicate rocks, such as jasper, chalcedony, and chert. The most common artifacts are debris (44%) and flakes and flake fragments (43%). A total of 24 cores was found; half the cores are Levallois cores. Primary stone tool making methods used at KHS produced Levallois flakes, blades, core-trimming elements, and pseudo-Levallois points. There are 20 retouched artifacts, including an ovate handaxe, two basalt hammerstones, sidescrapers, and backed knives. Over the area a total of 27 artifact refits have been found, suggesting a potential slope wash or north-trending sediment slump before the sites burial or some purposeful stone knapping/tool discard behaviors. Excavation History Excavations in the Kibish formation were first conducted by the International Palaeontological Research Expedition to the Omo Valley in the 1960s led by Richard Leakey. They found several ancient anatomically modern human remains, one of them the Omo Kibish skeleton. In the early 21st century, a new international team of researchers returned to Omo and found additional bone fragments, including a femur fragment which conjoined with a piece collected in 1967. This team also conducted Argon isotope dating and modern geological studies that identified the age of the Omo I fossils as 195,000 /- 5,000 years old. The Lower Valley of the Omo was inscribed to the World Heritage List in 1980. Dating Omo The earliest dates on the Omo I skeleton were quite controversial--they were uranium-series age estimates on Etheria freshwater mollusk shells that provided a date of 130,000 years ago, which in the 1960s was deemed too early for Homo sapiens. Serious questions arose in the latter half of the 20th century about the reliability of any dates on mollusks; but in the early 21st century Argon dates on the strata in which Omo lay returned ages between 172,000 and 195,000, with the most likely date nearer 195,000 years ago. A possibility then arose that Omo I had been an intrusive burial into an older layer. Omo I was finally direct-dated by laser ablation elemental Uranium, Thorium, and Uranium-series isotope analysis (Aubert et al. 2012), and that date confirms its age as 195,000/- 5000. In addition, a correlation of the makeup of the KHS volcanicà tuff to the Kulkuletti Tuff in the Ethiopian Rift Valley indicates the skeleton is likely aged 183,000 or older: even that is 20,000 years older than the next oldest AMH representative in the Herto formation also in Ethiopia (154,000-160,000). Sources This definition is part of the About.com Guide to the Middle Paleolithic. Assefa Z, Yirga S, and Reed KE. 2008. The large-mammal fauna from the Kibish Formation. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):501-512.Aubert M, Pike AWG, Stringer C, Bartsiokas A, Kinsley L, Eggins S, Day M, and Grà ¼n R. 2012. Confirmation of a late middle Pleistocene age for the Omo Kibish 1 cranium by direct uranium-series dating. Journal of Human Evolution 63(5):704-710.Brown FH, McDougall I, and Fleagle JG. 2012. Correlation of the KHS Tuff of the Kibish Formation to volcanic ash layers at other sites, and the age of early Homo sapiens (Omo I and Omo II). Journal of Human Evolution 63(4):577-585.de la Torre I. 2004. Omo Revisited: Evaluating the Technological Skills of Pliocene Hominids. Current Anthropology 45(4):439-466.McDougall I, Brown FH, and Fleagle JG. 2005. Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia. Nature 433:733-736.McDougall I, Brown FH, and Fleagle JG. 2008. Sapropels and the age of hominins Omo I and II, Kibish, Ethiopia. Journal of Human E volution 55(3):409-420.Pearson OM, Royer DF, Grine FE, and Fleagle JG. 2008. A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):421-437.Rightmire GP. 2008. Homo in the Middle Pleistocene: Hypodigms, variation, and species recognition. Evolutionary Anthropology 17(1):8-21.Shea JJ. 2008. The Middle Stone Age archaeology of the Lower Omo Valley Kibish Formation: excavations, lithic assemblages, and inferred patterns of early Homo sapiens behavior. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):448-485.Sisk ML, and Shea JJ. 2008. Intrasite spatial variation of the Omo Kibish Middle Stone Age assemblages: Artifact refitting and distribution patterns. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):486-500.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Want to Know More About Essay Topics Science?
Want to Know More About Essay Topics Science? Definitions of Essay Topics Science 1 important thing you ought to do when writing your essay is to allow it to be personal. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Researching the topic permits you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. The very best topic for your essay is one which is aligned with your subject of study. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you should first think about what it is you are likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. Presenting The Research Paper Research papers must be presented well to make the best effects. Curriculum proposal topics is a means to try. Not all research paper topics are made equal, and you would like to guarantee you select an excellent topic before you commence writing. If you need to compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. Only some of them is able to submit a paper in time and without penalties. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points which you can counter to your own points. Don't make it rather complicated. Individual schools sometimes need supplemental essays. The college essay is among the most crucial facets of your college application. On our site you will discover a great deal more useful distinctive information that is certain to be helpful for junior and higher school kids from, like common home task essay about Hamlet, in addition to, for instance, application essays for college for future students. If you're looking for college essay examples, here's a great one below. Life, Death, and Essay Topics Science There are a number of thumb rules for argumentative essay subjects to prevent clashes, yet earning a point at the exact same moment. At precisely the same time, it's a fantastic persuasive essay idea. While you're just beginning to compose essays, you shouldn't struggle attempting to produce something to discuss. Such essays shall have a good deal of quotations, based just on facts and laws, and show no more than the actual picture of the situation. Inspiration to mak e your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't difficult to discover. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you have to clearly show your analytical skills. Otherwise, you have to look at a number of the easy compare and contrast essay topics on the many scientific innovations. It's possible to go for an intriguing topic from any area of science. If you are supposed to compose an argumentative essay, the very first thing you should do is to understand its chief features and structure. A fine idea may be to pick out a subject, which has a stable selection of accessible info and nonetheless sufficient room for a private research. It's possible to observe a list of 25 topics you can pick from the one which best fits your assignment. Once can surf the internet to find a few examples of argumentative essay topics, however, there are websites which help to locate topics depending on the keywords. The Tried and True Method for Essay Topics Science in Step by Step Detail Controversial issues are happening all of the time, all you have to do is turn on the news and you'll be able to locate a vast choice of topics to pick from. Since you can see, lots of the topics listed are new and deal with the present issues happening in the World today. The attractiveness of Shakespearean works is that every one of them conveys a one of a k ind social message that is true even today. All things considered, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. On our site, you can locate many tips for themes for an argumentative essay. Sure, with this kind of an enormous number of topics to select from, picking just one may be challenging. Popular themes for academic papers can be seen on our site also. A Secret Weapon for Essay Topics Science Good persuasive essay topics need to be persuasive. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. There are argumentative essay topics. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure you do your homework on what the present laws about your favorite topic actually say. Analyzing a present event appears to be a favorite topic chosen for argumentative essays. There are several interesting and challenging Shakespeare essay topics to select from. Tackle as many essays as possible and cement your spot among the famed essay writers on the planet. A proposal essay is quite straightforward to comprehend. Write a succinct biography of your favourite author and discuss why the author you prefer.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Beauty Defined Free Essays
What is beauty? How can an abstract concept such as beauty be defined? That question has been pondered for ages. An anonymous person once said ââ¬Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholderâ⬠. Beauty means something different to everyone but there is a general agreed-upon standard of beauty in our society. We will write a custom essay sample on Beauty Defined or any similar topic only for you Order Now As defined by Merriam-Websterââ¬â¢s dictionary, beauty is ââ¬Å"the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : LOVELINESS â⬠. It has also been defined as ââ¬Å"the phenomenon of the experience of pleasure, through the perception of balance and proportion of stimulus. It involves the cognition of a balanced form and structure that elicits attraction and appeal towards a person, animal, object, scene, music, idea, etcâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The philosophical discipline of aesthetics aims to understand the nature and meaning of beauty. Two kinds of beauty were distinguished by composer and critic Robert Schumann ; natural beauty and poetic beauty. Natural beauty is found in the examination of nature and poetic beauty in manââ¬â¢s cognizance. According to Schumann, in music or other art forms, both types of beauty exist. A familiar theory holds that beauty is the appearance of things and people that are good. Our society judges the physically attractive as ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠. The popular quote ââ¬Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder, ââ¬Å" maintains that beauty is entirely personal. Beauty can be found in nature as well where ââ¬Å"beauty as goodnessâ⬠holds true. An Alaskan glacier, a ruggedly dry mountain range, or a field of wildflowers can all be said to be beautiful. Most people find beauty in nature, from a newly fallen leaf in autumn, a tadpole metamorphosing to a frog, or a butterfly fluttering in a field. Formal studies done in the United States have discovered that facial symmetry is a key factor in determining the beauty of human appearance. To have facial symmetry suggests that a person has no apparent inherited flaws. Other studies suggest that a specific height and length of cheekbones is a strong indicator of physical beauty. These studies were conducted by scientists who asked volunteers to rate a series of photographs on the basis of beauty. The attributes common to all images rated beautiful were then picked out. Dr. Devendra Singh, of the University of Texas at Austin, discovered the waist-to-hip ratio, which is considered an indication of beauty in women of most cultures. This holds that a woman whose waist circumference is 70% of her hip circumference is considered beautiful and is also an indicator of her fertility. Greek philosophers were the earliest to theorize beauty. Pythagorus saw a strong connection between mathematics and beauty. The Pythagorean School maintained that objects proportioned to the ââ¬Å"golden ratioâ⬠seemed more attractive. People whose facial features are symmetric and proportioned are ranked as more attractive than those who are not, according to the golden ratio. The ancient Indians believed that anything that is always new is beautiful. A survey conducted by London Guildhall University of 11,000 people showed that (subjectively) good-looking people earn more. Less attractive people earned, on average, 13% less than more attractive people, while the penalty for overweight was around 5%. The term ââ¬Å"beautiful peopleâ⬠is used to refer to those who closely follow trends in fashion, physical appearance, food, dining, wine, cars, and real estate, often at a considerable financial cost. Such people often mirror in appearance and consumer choices of the characteristics and purchases of rich Hollywood characters. Beauty is truly a subjective concept that is difficult to prove or define. How to cite Beauty Defined, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Using Your Own Data to Grow Your Online Visibility
If youââ¬â¢re looking for a new way to grab your audienceââ¬â¢s attention and make your content stand out, the answer may already be in your hands. The data your company currently collects could provide a huge base of knowledge that you can use to create even more engaging content. The Power of Data Content that contains great data is effective because: It delivers real value: People want something they canââ¬â¢t find anywhere else when they read (or share) your content. So, if you can create content that contains original data, it will stand out. It boosts your authority: One goal of content marketing is to highlight your businessââ¬â¢ expertise. Content that shows off how well your team works with industry-specific data can help reinforce your brandââ¬â¢s authority. It has SEO benefits: Data-driven content tends to be heavily shared and linked to by other publications, greatly growing your own visibility. This helps boost your SEO rankings, helping your company get even more visitors and potential shoppers. Companies Using Their Data Several companies are creating attention-grabbing content using their own trove of data; here are a few examples: Jawbone: The fitness tracker company collects massive amounts of data from people who wear their devices and they used that information to create an amazing analysis of sleep patterns in different cities. Eye-catching data visualizations provide a variety of insights. For example, New York City may be called the ââ¬Å"city that never sleeps,â⬠but its residents actually have some of the earliest bedtimes of the seven cities in the study! OKCupid: The dating site used ten years of data to come up with a study of attraction and race. Even if youââ¬â¢re not in the dating scene, the article makes for an interesting read. Gain More Exposure Itââ¬â¢s natural to look outside your company for trends and ideas to fuel your content. But many compelling insights can be found within your own data sets and analytics. There are millions of articles online, but storytelling with data can set your content apart from the clutter and get you more visibility. Embrace your data and add this powerful tool to your current content marketing strategy.
Friday, March 20, 2020
BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Essay Example
BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Essay Example BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Paper BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review Paper Essay Topic: Literature hospitalization (of the authors son) inciting incident of Stopover in Queretaro as one gives, he should to expect to receive application that could NOT be made after reading Martin and Abraham Lincoln friendship is more powerful (than tribal hatred) main idea in The Buffalo dance Lushkoff protagonist in The Beggar flashback what Pete Stalling, the narrator in Most Valuable Player, uses to interrupt the action of the game to give background info she asks for food and a mirror the reader knows Johnsy is going to get well in The Last Leaf when she.. simile Came like an angel fierce and fast from Country Doctor, is what figure of speech? verbal irony how Lewis Gardner in How to Avoid Contact makes his point by using dead soldier(s) speaker of the poem In Flanders Fields Lord knows our needs even before we ask Him lesson we can learn from Mrs. Simss gift to Mother resolution point within the plot when the final outcome of the conflict is revealed plot series of incidents arranged to move the story toward a specific goal setting time and place in which a story takes place crisis turing point that brings about a change of fortune for the main character climax point when the story reaches the moment of highest emotional intensity autobiography an authors true account of his own life third-person (point-of-view) point-of-view that uses words like he, she, and it and no narrator is heard first-person (point-of-view) point-of view that reveals the thoughts of only one character or group of characters situational irony is revealed when the events of a story violate what is reasonably or normally expected Pete character in Most Valuable Player that is an example of a developing character Juan Martinez(brings the Beims to Dr. Pozo and makes sure they are taken care of) and Dr. Pozo (helped as much as he could even though the father, Jerrold Beim doubts he could really help his son) characterS from Stopover in Queretaro, whose generosity involved the giving of THEMSELVES Lincoln (took his time to talk to Martin and supplied Martins familys needs) character from Martin and Abraham Lincoln whose generosity involved the giving of himself Sheriff (risked a lot so Will can learn not to chose the life of being a bandit) character from Gold-Mounted Guns whose generosity involved the giving of himself Kass (gave Mary her prize, when Mary didnt actually win the prize) character from Mary whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts Andy and Tom (returned the fish that they stole) characterS from The Strangers That Came to Town whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts Mother (bought her daughter a suit that they lied about) character from Preachers Kids whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts O. Henry wrote The Last Leaf (his field was) Gods Earth what the grandfather in A Grain as Big as a Hens Egg said where the corn can grow like the big grain
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
10 Fascinating Facts About Grasshoppers
10 Fascinating Facts About Grasshoppers Famed fable writer Aesop portrayed the grasshopper as a neer do well who fiddled away his summer days without a thought to the future but in the real world, the destruction wreaked by grasshoppers on farming and ranching is far from a harmless parable. Although grasshoppers are extremely common, theres more to these summertime critters than meets the eye. Heres a list of 10 fascinating grasshopper-related facts. 1. Grasshoppers and Locusts Are One and the Same When we think of grasshoppers, most people recall pleasant childhood memories of trying to catch the jumping insects in meadows or backyards. Say the word locusts, however, and it brings to mind images of historic plagues raining down destruction on crops and devouring every plant in sight. Truth be told, grasshoppers and locusts are members of the same insect order. While certain species are commonly referred to grasshoppers and others as locusts, both creatures are short-horned members of the order Orthoptera. Jumping herbivores with shorter antennae are grouped into the suborder Caelifera, while their longer-horned brethren (crickets and katydids) belong to the suborder Ensifera. 2. Grasshoppers Have Ears on Their Bellies The grasshoppers auditory organs are found not on the head, but rather, on the abdomen. A pair of membranes that vibrate in response to sound waves are located one on either side of the first abdominal segment, tucked under the wings. This simple eardrum, called a tympanal organ, allows the grasshopper to hear the songs of its fellow grasshoppers. 3. Although Grasshoppers Can Hear, They Cant Distinguish Pitchà Very Well As with most insects, the grasshoppers auditory organs are simple structures. They can detect differences in intensity and rhythm, but not pitch. The male grasshoppers song isnt particularly melodic which is a good thing since females dont care whether or not a fellow can carry a tune. Each species of grasshopper produces a characteristic rhythm that distinguishes its song from others and enables courting males and females of a given species to find one another. 4. Grasshoppers Make Music by Stridulating or Crepitating If youre not familiar with those terms, dont worry. Its not all that complicated. Most grasshoppers stridulate, which simply means that they rub their hind legs against their forewings to produce their trademark tunes. Special pegs on the inside of the hind leg act like a percussion instrument of sorts when they come in contact with the thickened edge of the wing. The band-winged grasshoppers crepitate or loudly snap their wings as they fly. 5. Grasshoppers Catapult Themselves Into the Air If youve ever tried to catch a grasshopper, you know how far they can jump to flee danger. If humans could jump the way grasshoppers do, we would be able to easily leap the length of a football field. How do these insects jump so far? Its all in those big, back legs. A grasshoppers hind legs function like miniature catapults. In preparation for a jump, the grasshopper contracts its large flexor muscles slowly, bending its hind legs at the knee joint. A special piece of cuticle within the knee acts as a spring, storing up all the potential energy. The grasshopper then relaxes its leg muscles, allowing the spring to release its energy and fling the insect into the air. 6. Grasshoppers Can Fly Because grasshoppers have such powerful jumping legs, people sometimes dont realize that they also have wings. Grasshoppers use their jumping ability to give them a boost into the air but most are pretty strong fliers and make good use of their wings to escape predators. 7. Grasshoppers Cause Billions of Dollars in Damage to Food Crops Annually One lone grasshopper cant do too much harm, although it eats about half its body weight in plants each day- but when locusts swarm, their combined feeding habits can completely defoliate a landscape, leaving farmers without crops and people without food. In the U.S. alone, grasshoppers cause about $1.5 billion in damage to grazing lands each year. In 1954, a swarm of Desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) consumed over 75 square miles of wild and cultivated plants in Kenya. 8. Grasshoppers Are an Important Source of Protein People have been consuming locusts and grasshoppers for centuries. According to the Bible, John the Baptist ate locusts and honey in the wilderness. Locusts and grasshoppers are a regular dietary component in local diets in many areas of Africa, Asia, and the Americas- and since theyre packed with protein, theyre an important nutritional staple as well. 9. Grasshoppers Existed Long Before Dinosaurs Modern-day grasshoppers descend from ancient ancestors that lived long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The fossil record shows that primitive grasshoppers first appeared during the Carboniferous period, more than 300 million years ago. Most ancient grasshoppers are preserved as fossils, although grasshopper nymphs (the second stage in the grasshopper lifestyle after the initial egg phase) are occasionally found in amber. 10. Grasshoppersà May Spit Liquid to Defend Themselves If youve ever handled grasshoppers, youve probably had a few of them spit brown liquid on you in protest. Scientists believe this behavior is a means of self-defense, and the liquid helps the insects repel predators. Some people say grasshoppers spit tobacco juice, probably because historically, grasshoppers have been associated with tobacco crops. Rest assured, however, the grasshoppers arent using you as a spittoon.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Environmental Awareness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Environmental Awareness - Essay Example The essay "Environmental awareness" shows us the current ecological situation. The understanding of environmental conditions can be boiled down into a painstakingly simple adage -ââ¬Å"Live and let liveâ⬠. Fortunately, across the world, the healthy awareness is increasing and the Welch Assembly Government has contributed for the cause in a proper way and their dedicated website echoes the same bold statement. In the end author concludes that the subject line that has been drawn in these topics is too diverse to end to a single point conclusion. In spite of that, from engineering point of view, these points can be summarized so that we may take steps out of that. For better climatic condition, one need to follow the stringent rules and the technology needs to be evolved out to match the situation. Air quality is to be monitored in much more stringent manner and vehicle and industrial carbon emission needs to be curbed. The same thing can be applicable for Chemical hazard and the problem out of that. The particular issue like radioactivity and the relevant protocol needs to be followed up. The huge industrial legacy of Wales area has left its pug mark in terms of contaminated land that keeps on bleeding. Water and flood management in one hand and on the other, the Bathing Water Quality monitoring also needs to be taken care of. The recycling technology needs to be overhauled. Still a messy process that has been followed and we are blissfully unaware of the consequences. The time is ripe enough to take these eminent steps.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Environmental Projects NYC Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Environmental Projects NYC - Term Paper Example The three sub basins identified cuts across in excess of 35countries. The environmental context of this basin is of great concern since its water quality has been comprised from time to time. Numerous geological surveys have been conducted all over New York to address environmental issues, and the water quality of this basin is one of the identified environmental issues in New York. This paper is meant to assess the problem of water quality in the basin basing its argument on the applicability of geosciences in understanding and addressing the problem. This problem is brought about by the environmental setting of the basin. The basin occurs in an environment setting that allows massive land use in all the areas that the basin lies on. Application of Geosciences in Understanding and Addressing the Water Quality Issue in the Hudson River Basin Sediments in the stream bottom Geological studies have been conducted in the basin for quite some time now. It has been established that the urb an streams of the basin as well as on other rivers of the basin have considerable levels of stream sediments. These sediments are mostly found on the bottom of the stream. The presence of these sediments has comprised the water quality in the basin due to the fact they raise metal concentration in the water. The metals have also led to the concentration of chemicals resulting from water-metal reactions, for example the polychlorinated biphenyls (Levinton & Waldman 39). The water quality in the basin has as a result deteriorated, evidenced by the fact that the above mentioned concentrations have exceeded the predetermined and set standards of water quality. In addressing this problem, the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) has put measures in place that are aimed at reducing concentration levels in the basin. Part of the basin that lies within urban areas is said to carry large amounts of zinc, lead and mercury. In fact, these levels of concentration exceed those set by the Ne w York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). In this regard, the two agencies have initiated programs that are designed to sensitize the locals about the need to reduce metal concentrations in the water. Although the drinking water quality is still observed, there are concerns that the basin could turn unsafe for human consumption if stern measures are not taken. On this note, de-concentration actions by environmental agencies have been established to deal with this issue. Geosciences experts and professionals have been engaged in the process in order to fully observe such progresses and correct mishaps that may be realized in the course. Stream ecology The Hudson River Basin is characterized by many social and economic activities. Some parts of the basin remains undisturbed but where encroachment has occurred, many activities are conducted. This due tot the fact that the basicââ¬â¢s hydrological potential; exceeds that many other basins in New York. On the sam e note, the basin is characteristic of numerous rivers and tributaries that make up its interconnectedness. This special feature of the basin has attracted many local into farming activities, alongside harboring many animal species like fish and invertebrates. Intolerant animal species have so far been absent in the river, denoting aspects of unfavorable environment. Human encroachment along the basin can be cited as a reason for this. Studies done on the water quality
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Impact of New Media on Teenagers | Research
Impact of New Media on Teenagers | Research THE IMPACT OF NEW MEDIA ON TEENAGERS CONDUCT Emily Shaba The data was obtained through interviews at two high schools and through the below interview questions. Interview questions The majority of teenagers in schools access new media through their phones and laptops. The main sites that are used or the most used form of new media is Facebook and Whatsapp as well as the internet in general through Google to find out things they are curious about. Most of the youth as well admitted to having used new media frequently some even admit to being addicted to it. According to the research however new media has positively impacted teenagers in a lot of positive ways the first being it helps them with research in school work and finding out about other things that they may be curious about. Social sites help to build a closer relationship between teenagers and their friends plus relatives that may be far away. It provides quick and cheap communication as compared to phone calls and text messages or travelling to meet their friends and relatives. It also helps with making new friends for teenagers that are naturally shy and cannot or find it had to make friends or interact with others physically. They get a chance to find someone to interact with and talk to when need be. Makes them understand new technology that is coming in and how to use it effectively. They are however also some negative ways in which new media impacts teenagers firstly being that despite the ability to make new friends they are not trustworthy. This may be imposterââ¬â¢s people with bad manners that may end up sharing them with the teenagers or worse criminals who end up harming innocent teens or stealing from them. Most teenagers also admitted to the fact that it is too tempting, it gives them the chance to see things that may be inappropriate to them on a silver platter it is like leaving chocolate on the table for a kid and telling them not to eat when its alone with them in the room for days and nobody has the ability to know if they eat it. This also results in teens being exposed to porn and other inappropriate pictures which later trigger things like premarital sex and early pregnancies. Teens are also exposed to a western way of life and tend to think drugs and alcohols are part of life and if you do not drink go clubbing or use media then you feel left out and backwards in time. It is so addictive that teens can not focus on anything else other than it. It also gives wrong information about various things and teens get wrong advice from their new internet found friends about different things which ends up corrupting their character. Most teenagers agreed to there being a change in the way they act or view things since they started using new media. They know more things than they did in the past and they are pickier about things more especially the way they dress or act around friends. New media from an academic point of view has also impacted them positively in that it helps them with homework and research when their given something to work on at school. It also helps them to find notes, books and past papers that their school may not be able to provide which also helps with their performance in class. They also learn a lot of new things online that they may not be able to learn in school. They are able to get inspiration from other people that they are able to look up and find out about their lives online. It helps with their spellings and grammar. New media however also has academic disadvantages which according to the research included: It reduces concentration on school as the time that would be used for studying is rather used on new media or social sites. Instead of concentrating in class teens are busy on their phones using social media or thinking about what to say to who, their next Facebook or WhatsApp profile picture and status. It makes them lazy and increases chances of plagiarism as they might as well take an already written paper and just change it than spend time on writing a paper rather than on the internet. Due to the many abbreviations used on social sites the teens spellings are sometimes affected and their language too. It provides them sometimes with the wrong information on their school work too. It has also impacted the way they relate to their friends in that they have more time to chat and hence it brings them closer. However other friends that do not use new media are isolated. It reduces interaction between teens instead of them meeting up to chat or do another thing they only want to talk using social media. Most teens start to feel that their culture is left behind and start to despise it. They, as a result, they forsake culture and tradition which ends up leading them astray. This also destroys the spreading of our African culture and heritage with other as it is slowly dying. People end up following western culture and values and even dressing which may be inappropriate for the African society. Like not doing house chores or ignoring guests when they come instead of greeting them and making them feel at home. Most admit to their principles being bent to some extent to fit in which may not, however, be an appositive thing, especially If what they are fitting into is inappropriate and destructive. I was also shocked to find out that their other teens that do not use any form of new media or social site and some that only use new media for school in this day of age and time. This was due to parents denying them access to it after witnessing a reduction in their grades. Others were because of their religion not permitting them to do so or simply not wanting to do so after being affected by it negatively in some ways. They said the was an increase in their performance due to this in class as they had more time to study but however lacked some friends and often felt left out. Most teens did say they should be an age restriction on sites as to what they can and cannot view. They should be appropriate pictures on social sites. And finally, parents should mind the time that their children are given internet access. Some teens suggested being given access in the evening, weekends and on holidays. The Victorian Era: Social Classes Of England The Victorian Era: Social Classes Of England The Victorian Era social classes of England are unlike any other social system; every rule could be bent or broken (An Ancestry.com Community, par. 1). A person could be born into the lowest class, and could end up being part of the nobility by marriage (An Ancestry.com Community, par. 1). Some heiresses were married to local families (Thornber par. 10). An example of the odd rules would be how the aristocracy and gentry, in mid-nineteenth century, would become the upper class(Cody par.2). The Victorian Era is viewed as a period of great opportunity for every class.(Loftus par. 1). Each class can be divided by power, authority, wealth, working and living conditions, life-styles, education, and culture(Cody par. 2). At times, the middle class took power, not the upper class(Loftus, par. 1)The lower class was divided mainly by the wealth and working conditions of families(Channe14.com, par. 19). The main groups consist of upper class -aristocracy and gentry-, middle class, and lower cl ass. The gentry were lines of land-owning families from noble men (Thornber, pars. 2 and 4). Their system of inheriting the land from their father helped the gentry, but it eventually destructed them (Thornber par. 4). A main reason was the decline of agriculture after the Napoleonic Wars (Thornber par. 4). Some of the gentry managed to keep their estates (Thornber par. 8). Another reason for the gentrys fall was the male inheritors decline into moral sin (French and Rothery 403). The landed gentry was in control until the younger sons started to put the families financial security in danger; they were soon sent to an outside school (French and Rothery 403-405). This moral decline was soon blamed on the parents teaching of their children (French and Rothery 404). Although the kids did go to school, their circle of activity still revolved around society (French and Rothery 405). Although one might think the gentry to be powerful, the aristocrats retain the power (Channe14.com, pars.8). The sinple definition of aristocracy is rule of the best or superior (Aristocracy, par. 2). It has the least change out of all the social classes (Channe14.com, pars.8). Most people who made up the aristocracy were politicians who came from noble families (Channe14.com, pars.8). The unelected House of Lords is mainly made up of aristocrats (Channe14.com, par. 8). If you were part of the British aristocracy, by birth, you were a gentleman (The Gentleman, par.2). To be an aristocrat one had to have land (An Ancestry.com community, par. 1). Oddly enough, most aristocrats were not of the richest or most powerful families (An Ancestry.com Community, par. 3). The aristocrats were also head of the social life (Channe14.com, par.10). The great families filled the main circles, through their youth, with fashion and culture (Escott par. 2). They lived on grand country estates where they would go hunting and fishing (Channe14.com, par.10). Some aristocrats even had London estates which would opened up during certain seasons (Channe14.com, par. 10). Aristocrats eventually came to a point where they did not do anything but flaunted their wealth, and politics became a game (Escott par. 2). They realized they needed to step up their game when the middle class began to rise (Escott par. 2). The middle class consisted of businessman, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, merchants, and any other men just above the lower class (Loftus par. 2). To be part of the middle class, one had to take care of ones self, their family, and ones community (Loftus par. 4). It is safe to say that a definition of the middle class is impossible (Loftus par. 1).The dream of the businessmen in the middle class was to become part of the aristocracy (Channe14.com, par. 11). Over time, the middle class changed into a small group mainly made up of professionals, factory owners, merchants, and writers (Channe14.com, par 12). An example of one of these would be the writer, Conan Doyle (Hammer 56 65). The middle class, unlike the aristocracy, made their society on rights not by hereditary gain (Loftus par. 1). The middle class has two main sections, the upper middle class and the lower middle class (Channe14.com, pars. 13 17). The upper middle class was between professionals, and industrialists (Channe14.com, par. 14). Professionals were the doctors, lawyers, clergy, and top civil servants (Channe14.com, par. 14). The lower middle class was made up of mostly women (Channe14.com, par. 16). Many upper middle class men worked in banks or climb up the ladder to rule the empire (Channe14.com, par. 15). These men were usually the ones who used their riches to buy homes and became just as rich as the aristocracy (Loftus par. 3). The middle classs economy and financial variations were made by differences on background, politics, and religion (Loftus par. 3). They mainly came from political coherence (Loftus par. 4). Emphasized by competition, thrift, and self-reliance, the middle class began to rise into power (Loftus par. 4). All their success was due to their principles on individuality (Loftus par. 5). Every middle class person, through hard work and self- reliance, could have had economic and social success (Loftus par. 5). Many critics, like Thomas Carlyle, were fearful that the middle class individualism would be a threat to the community (Loftus par. 5). Much of the middle class success came from the political economy as well as the social economy (Loftus par. 8). They were always ready for improvement; it was key to their culture (Loftus par. 8). The middle class defined themselves by attempting to make the lower class see their potential (Loftus par. 9). The lower class was more commonly known to the Victorians as the working class (Channe14.com, par. 18). The workers of the working class can be divided into six groups: high-paid labor, regular standard earners, small regular earners, intermittent earners, casual earners, and the lowest class (Channe14.com, pars. 18 and 19). The largest group division were the regular standard earners, which had more people than the other five groups put together (Channe14.com, par. 20). The regular standard earners were men who made their wages from the Victorian economy; as it rose, so did their wages (Channe14.com, par. 20). When the economy boomed, people had less children, which meant more time for relaxing (Channe14.com, par. 20). The Victorian Era was the best time for one to spend their days in leisurely activity (Channe14.com, par. 24). As life became better for the higher working classes, who are known as deserving poor, the poor became more desperate (Channe14.com, par. 21). While the deserving poor get charity, if and when they need it, the lowest class gets nothing (Channe14.com, par. 21). This class made up about a quarter of all the outskirt areas (Channe14.com, par. 21). Some of these people may be criminals or unemployed, but each of them live in conditions beyond their control (Channe14.com, pars. 22 23). Times became so bad that one might have seen another selling dog droppings (Channe14.com, par. 22). Country poverty was even more sad (Channe14.com, par. 23). Most people survived on eight pounds a year (Channe14.com, par. 23). Some teenagers were forced to join gangs and mothers had to give their babies opium so they would not cry (Channe14.com, par. 22 23). Though, if one of these men could save enough money to start a small business, he could move up into middle class (Loftus par. 11). The Victorian era was the best time for leisurely activity (Channe14.com, par. 24). The upper class, middle class and lower class began to fade away shortly after this end of this period (French and Rothery 402-422). As stated earlier, the Victorian Era gave opportunity to most everyone (Loftus par. 1). Each class opportunity was shown through power, authority, and wealth (Cody par. 2). At the close of this era, the higher middle class sat with the upper middle class at operas in the royal box, thus showing the opportunity in the classes (Channe14.com, par. 3). Interestingly enough, there are a few noble families still left in England today (An Ancestry.com Community, par. 18). Work Cited An Ancestry.com Community. 31 March 2010. English Social Classes. 08 November 2010 . aristocracy. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2010 ed. Channe14.com. 2010 Time Travelers Guide to Victorian Britain. 2010. . Fordham.edu. 2010. Modern History Sourcebook. 2010. . French, Henry and Mark Rothery. Upon Your Entry into the World: masculine values and the threshold of adulthood among landed elites in England 1680-1800.Social History. 33 (4 Nov. 2008) : 402 422. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Brandon Public Library. 01 November 2010. . Hammer, Joshua. Sherlock Holmes London. Smithsonian January 2010:56-65 David, Cody. The Victorian Web. 2002. The Victorian Web. 22 July 2002 Social Class. 27 October 2010 . David, Cody. The Victorian Web. 2002. The Victorian Web. 22 July 2002 The Gentlemen. 01 November 2010 . Loftus, Donna. BBC. 15 October 2010 The Rise of the Victorian Middle Class. 08 November 2010 . Thornber, Craig. Cheshire Antiquities. 2010 The East Cheshire Gentry. 08 November 2010 .
Friday, January 17, 2020
Response Paper
Blue Collar Workers Have Brains Too Throughout our modern society there has always been a cultural divide between the upper class of white collar workers who have received higher education, and the blue collar workforce who make up the middle and lower class of society. It is the assumption of the white collar class that the blue collar force are a simple minded group who rely on manual labor jobs because they donââ¬â¢t possess the intelligence necessary to make it in the white collar world.In his article ââ¬Å"Blue Collar Brilliance,â⬠Mike Rose discussed how the working class of blue collar workers is often underestimated and not given enough credit from their white collar counterparts. He states that through his research and observations, the blue collar workers indeed exercise significant intelligence in their work, and that they shouldnââ¬â¢t be shrugged off by those of a higher social class simply because of their placement on the occupational ladder. Rose described that he was raised in a blue collar family, but that he sought a higher education a means for fulfillment and to make a solid living.What I found interesting were his observations through his studies after graduate school. Rose states, ââ¬Å"Intelligence is closely associated with formal education-the type of schooling a person has, how much and how long-and most people seem to move comfortably from that notion to a belief that work requiring less schooling requires less intelligenceâ⬠(Rose, 247) I agree with Rose in this statement because of my experience growing up, I was always taught that success in this life is tied directly with a formal education.If I wanted to make something of myself, I better go to college. Much to the chagrin of my parents, I put off college and entered the workforce as an apprentice meat cutter. Over the years I have worked my way up and was eventually made the manager of a meat department. I have found that through my experience in that occupati on that I have learned more about business hands on than in any of my business classes. Rose makes an interesting point about the hands on application of such important tools in the working class.He states, ââ¬Å"Though many kinds of physical work donââ¬â¢t require a high literacy level, more reading occurs in the blue-collar workplace than is generally thought, from manuals and catalogues to work orders and invoices, to lists, labels and formsâ⬠(Rose, 253) Rose is surely right about that because I have learned more about what it takes to make a successful business with things like how to manage costs and labor, how to regulate your purchases as to meet your sales needs while keeping shrink or loss to a minimum, and how to increase your gross profit margin by streamlining merchandising methods than I ever could in a classroom.He described observing his mother Rosie as a waitress in a diner and all of the mental juggling she displayed in order to keep her customersââ¬â¢ orders organized, the food delivered properly in a timely manner, and make sure they were satisfied and felt important. He also noticed that she was not only a waitress, but often times wore the hat of psychologist in listening to the personal stories of her guests, and catering how she treated them and responded to them as though she was their friend and support system.I agree that the blue collar workforce is often looked down upon by those who have chosen the path of higher education and belong to the white collar workforce because I have been a member of the blue collar crowd for over ten years and can testify that it indeed requires significant skills in order to fulfill those jobs. I have worked in a restaurant for several years and have experienced how difficult it is to multitask and keep every customer happy while juggling several tables and keeping multiple orders organized in my little filing system in my head.It truly requires a special brain to be a server in a restaura nt, to possess the necessary skills as Rosie did with the ability to group tasks together in order of priority and work efficiently in a flowing motion rather than running around in circles barely keeping your wits about you because you canââ¬â¢t keep your proverbial balls juggling in the air. From experience, when you drop one ball or make a mistake, all your other balls usually come crashing down on you. That is what we in the business call ââ¬Å"crashing,â⬠or ââ¬Å"being in the weeds. I have seen such a high turnover of staff that couldnââ¬â¢t manage all the responsibilities and possess the customer service and people skills necessary for when things go wrong. I agree with Roseââ¬â¢s point of how the hat of psychologist is worn while performing those duties because you can completely screw up a personsââ¬â¢ food order but give them exceptional customer service and make them feel special by listening to them, show them genuine empathy and they will tip you well no matter what mistakes are made in their dining experience.I have had several regular customers come into my restaurant and request me as their server because I make them feel special, and I engage in real conversation with them and have subsequently built real friendships with people because of the way I treated them as their server. Nothing made a regular customer feel special like having their beverage of choice delivered to them as soon as they sat down without needing to ask for it. I have had many coworkers ask me how I consistently made better tips than they did, when we are serving essentially the same demographic of clientele.I explain to them the key is to be a good listener such as Roseââ¬â¢s mother was to both verbal and non verbal messages, and do the little things in order to make them feel special and not simply be a robot delivering their food and drinks. Many people assume that servers in restaurants belong to a lower social class, but because of my experience in that industry I agree with Rose that it takes a special person to fulfill those positions.I appreciated Roseââ¬â¢s recognition of the blue collar force as one who possesses significant intelligence; because I am a member of that class and feel that I have often been judged as someone who lacks the necessary intelligence to make it in the white collar world. I applaud his arguments that the blue collar force should no longer be looked down upon as inferior. Works Cited Rose, Mike. ââ¬Å"Blue Collar Brilliance. â⬠ââ¬Å"They Say/I Sayâ⬠: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing : With Readings. Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel K. Durst. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2012. N. pag. Print.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Book Review Waiting For The Barbarians - 1329 Words
Coetzeeââ¬â¢s empire established in Waiting for the Barbarians should be viewed as a direct reference to empires of the real world as it brings light to the nature of the hierarchy within. Waiting for the Barbarians follows the plot of a magistrateââ¬â¢s peaceful life coming to an end due to the sudden appearance of the Third Bureau, the empireââ¬â¢s special forces. A single barbarian woman is left behind after mass imprisonment, and the magistrate takes it upon himself to nurse the wounds left by her torturers. However, his underlying intention is to use her as a means of interrogating his personal desires. Despite the magistrateââ¬â¢s peculiar interest in her peopleââ¬â¢s culture and history, he cannot seem to see the woman as anything but a barbarian. Inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Even with the fact that he observed these prisoners daily, his remembrance of her dying father and not her physical appearance shows how his immediate thought that comes with the barbar ians is their suffering. Coetzeeââ¬â¢s inclusion of this detail presents the idea that those who are higher up in the social hierarchy of an empire tend to have feelings of false pity towards those who are lower than them. Rather than viewing them as people, they are instead seen as those who donââ¬â¢t have a lifestyle as fortunate as them. An example of this can be seen in the Magistrateââ¬â¢s earlier description of the fisherpeople, describing their lifestyle as ââ¬Å"living in fear of everyoneâ⬠and ââ¬Å"skulking in the reedsâ⬠(18). Though the magistrate is irritated of Jollââ¬â¢s inability to recognize barbarians, this further supports the points mentioned. What seems like a casual description holds connotations of mocking the fisherpeopleââ¬â¢s rudimentary lifestyle. Furthermore, as a representative of the Empire, Jollââ¬â¢s lack of better judgement was what caused the fisherpeople to be captured. This portrays his ignorance regarding his percept ion of the barbarians. Thus, Jollââ¬â¢s ignorance and the magistrateââ¬â¢s impression of the barbarians display the divide within the hierarchy. This ultimately continues to enforce the notion that those in the upper hierarchy believe that they have some sort of responsibility over these people. Unfortunately, the notion that the higher are ââ¬Å"responsibleâ⬠for thoseShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Dark Ages Notes1017 Words à |à 5 PagesMother Not Kill ***Thou Shalt 12. According to the video, Who was Clovis? - Clovis was the Barbarian king of the Franks. 13. According to the Ordeal, how were you proven innocent? -A pebble was dropped in a pot of bowling water and you would have to get the pebble. If your hand heals well then your innocent. 14. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay on Should Intelligent Design be Taught in Public...
In 1859, Charles Darwin published his groundbreaking Origin of Species, which would introduce the seminal theory of evolution to the scientific community. Over 150 years later, the majority of scientists have come to a consensus in agreement with this theory, citing evidence in newer scientific research. In an average high school biology classroom, one may imagine an instructor that has devoted much of his life to science and a predominantly Christian class of about twenty-five students. On the topic of evolution, one of the students might ask, ââ¬Å"Why would God have taken the long route by creating us through billion years of evolution?â⬠while another student may claim ââ¬Å"The Book of Genesis clearly says that the earth along with all livingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The theory is made in assumption that pure creationism, for obvious reasons, can never pass as unaffiliated with religion, and thus can never be taught in government-funded public schools. As of now, its proponentsââ¬â¢ claims for the earthââ¬â¢s age vary between 6000 and 4.5 billion years ago, as long as God did it (Branch). Rather than relying on scientific evidence, intelligent design thrives on the most miniscule of holes in evolutionary fossil records and the unfathomability of a living cell being created from inorganic matter. These holes are then complemented with ignorance of viable proof of evolution; proponents of the field have managed to turn these two elements in a supposed science. However, the yet infantile theory has still made its way to public schools in five states, with as many as twenty states currently debating the validity of evolution education. Given that certain polls estimate that almost half to as many as sixty-six percent of Americans do not believe in pure evolution(Branch; Morris), it is hard to argue with a plurality or majority of the population whether or not to believe in evolution. To many, it is not a matter ofShow MoreRelatedShould Intelligent Design and/or Creationism Be Taught Alongside Evolution in Public Schools?641 Words à |à 3 Pagescourtrooms about whether or not should intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution in public schools, which has been going on for a great amount of years. Intelligent design is the idea of natures changes cannot be a random process, but a type of guidance must have lead to why nature is the way it is in todayââ¬â¢s era. In most cases, that specific guidance is God. God has created the world for a purpose. Creationism is the same idea as intelligent design, believing that nature was createdRead MoreIntelligent Design: A Bona Fide Theory Essay1278 Words à |à 6 Pagesin an intelligent designer who created the universe and humanity. According to Discovery Institute (n.d.), ââ¬Å"The theory of intelligent design holds that certain feature of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selectionâ⬠(para.1). Although intelligent design is quickly becoming regarded as a scientific theory with more than 50 peer-reviewed journals published, as of now there is no tolerance for it to be taught in Americaââ¬â¢sRead MoreEssay on Intelligent Design: The Best of Both Theories1112 Words à |à 5 Pagesyears and years. Should schools be allowed to teach evolution without teaching creationism? The courts have ruled, the answer is no, the theory of creationism cannot be included in a public schoolââ¬â¢s academic curriculum. With the courtââ¬â¢s decision, it has been made clear there is no place for faith based theories to be taught in our public schools. What if there was a different approach that took God out of the equation? Public high schools should allow a course in intelligent design to be includedRead MoreA Case Against Evolution Of Public Schools1082 Words à |à 5 PagesEvolution in Public Schools Evolution is the most popular theory currently taught in public high schools, and is widely accepted as a sound scientific concept to teach. However, it is equally true that many disagree with evolution and many of its concepts as an explanation of the origin of life on our planet, and it is thus my opinion that evolution should not even be taught in public science classes, as it is not scientifically sound, nor should be a part of a wide variety of concepts taught to studentsRead MoreThe Debate of Orgin: Creationsim versus Evolutionism992 Words à |à 4 Pagesthis mystical being, this Intelligent Designer, went on. He made the sun and the moon, the sea and the lands, and all the beasts of the planet. Then, he concluded with man. All this creation in 6 short days. Everything that we know, everything that we are, is supposedly derived from this short span of mass design. However, this information is quite contradictory to what modern science tells us. And that, in and of itself, is t he essence of the nationwide debate. Should Creationism, or as it is sometimesRead MoreCreationism Vs Intelligent Design Creationism1474 Words à |à 6 Pagescreationism and intelligent design are valid alternative theories that should be embodied within the curriculum of science classes. ââ¬ËThrough local school boards, sympathetic politicians, and well-funded organizations, a strong movement has developed to encourage the teaching of the latest incarnation of creationismââ¬âintelligent designââ¬âas a scientifically credible theory alongside evolution in science classes.ââ¬â¢ Creationism is the rejection of evolution in favor of supernatural design (Pennock, 2003)Read MoreThe Theory Of Evolution Or Intelligent Design1677 Words à |à 7 Pagesmay seem to be shrouded in mystery, but in modern America two main theories have come to dominate as the explanation; either the theory of evolution or Intelligent Design. 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